
Hi Guys! Passed CCSP on Oct 6, and want to share the resources I used. Background about me, passed CISSP back in Oct 2020. I took CCSK course earlier this year as well. Started studying in May 2021 by watching Linux Academy tutorial. Followed by reading OSG by Ben Malisow, and went on to CCSP for Dummies and then CBK. However I only skim through the CBK as I got bored because there were too many pages. One month before the exam, subscripted to LinkedIn Learning by Mike Chapple and two weeks before the exam I ordered Cloud Guardians by Gwen Bettwy, not many pages as compared to OSG. Last but not least the online discussion hosted by Gwen’s and HIGregs’ they shared their knowledge and experience including folks that attend the session, so do support them. The exam test on your knowledge and experience, not your memory skill. Do practice good time management while answering the questions. The topic covered is specified in the exam outline so go through that, make sure you understand what is listed there. I know some might not care about the outline listed, so I emphasis it here.



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